I had an issue today upgrading to Ruby 2.0.0 using CarrierWave/RMagick and rails s
wouldn’t run. The steps are listed below to get it working again.
Upgrade Rails
In most cases, just change the Gemfile specification to:
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Then run:
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The Rails gem will be updated by bundler and the Gemfile.lock file will be updated to record the new gem version. You’ll see a message showing which version of Rails is running when you start the webserver.
Upgrade Ruby
On Mac OS X, the easiest way to get latest Ruby is via Homebrew:
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Upgrade Rake, Bundler, Rubygems-Bundler
Most developers often install the latest version of Rails/Ruby but neglect other components. These are important to keep regularly updated.
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Upgrade RMagick
If you’re using CarrierWave, sometimes upgrading latest Ruby/Rails will create issues when running the rails server. Easiest fix is to reinstall rmagick with your current imagemagick.
Bundle Update
Good to always ensure nothing was missed.
Here’s a good blog post to Upgrade from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.0 by Mario Chavez.
Here’s also an Ebook Upgrading to Rails 4 by Andy Lindeman.